Publikacje Evaluation of Neural Therapy and comparison with Conventional Medicine: structure, process and outcomes Dönges A, Fischer L, Widmer M, Herren S, Marian F, Busato A Comparison of Efficacy of Neural Therapy and Physical Therapy in Chronic Low Back Pain Atalay, NS (1), Sahin, F (1), Atalay, A (2) and Akkaya, N (1) Neural Therapy: An Overlooked Game Changer for Patients Suffering Chronic Pain? Brobyn TL (1), Chung MK (2) and LaRiccia PJ (3) Neural Therapy for the daily practice Lorenz Fischer (Bern) and Katia Puente de la Vega (Barcelona) Effects on hemodynamic variables and echocardiographic parameters after a stellate ganglion block Katia Puente de la Vega Costa, Miquel A. Gómez Perez, Cristina Roqueta, Lorenz Fischer Procaine and procainamide inhibit the Wnt canonical pathway by promoter demethylation of WIF-1 in lung cancer cells ZHI GAO, ZHIDONG XU, MING-SZU HUNG, YU-CHING LIN, TIANYOU WANG, MIN GONG, XIUYI ZHI, DAVID M. JABLONS and LIANG YOU PROCAINE IS A DNA-DEMETHYLATING AGENT WITH GROWTH-INHIBITORY EFFECTS IN HUMAN CANCER CELLS Ana Villar-Garea, Mario F. Fraga, Jesus Espada, Manel Esteller